ZOOM Whitening
Case Study :
“Did you do something different?” – Translation: You look better and I can’t work out why”
ZOOM whitening consistently achieves the best results, while ZOOM whitening as a procedure can be painful, the team at Comfort Dental have prepared a system to minimize discomfort while achieving optimal results for you!
At Comfort Dental we use the highest standard of professional whitening (and we’re sourced from Australia).
Call us or book now to see if whitening is right for you.
treatment time : 75 mins
Hollywood Veneers
A young 21yo female patient came in wanting to improve her smile, but couldn’t specifically tell us what she wanted other than she wanted a better smile.
Apart from the obvious whiter and bolder look can you spot the gum lift?
Needless to say, she was stoked.
Book now for a complimentary consultation to see if we can improve your smile.
Treatment time: 2 weeks
Case Study :
Natural Veneers
Case Study :
A middle aged female patient came in wanting to improve her composite resin (plastic) veneers done 2 years ago at a different clinic. She’s always been self-conscious of her teeth due antibiotic staining (seen in lower teeth).
She originally went for a budget option (composite resin) because she was afraid porcelain veneers would look too fake and unnatural.
At comfort dental we understand some people want to imrove their smile without that fake look. We were able to perform a gum lift and build porcelain veneers that fitted our patient’s personality.
Book now for a complimentary consultation to see if we can improve your smile to suit you.
Treatment time : 2 weeks
Case Study :
A 16 year old female patient presented to me with a partial denture which she hated! She wasn’t old enough for an implant (recommended min age 21).
We accomplished this result WITHOUT DRILLING! There is a composite resin (plastic) build up of the missing tooth reinforced by a fibre bridge.
This patient and her mother from Bondi to see us at Comfort Dental, she’s currently 20 and it’s still in there!
If you’re missing a tooth or in the middle of implant treatment, we might have an aesthetic and non-invasive treatment for you, call us or book now to find out.
Treatment time: 45 minutes